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Giving Back

Giving Back

Every morning for more than 25 years Elizabeth rose early to drive a school bus, ferrying young minds to receive an education. She spent another five years as a bus assistant, helping special needs students. Now retired and living in Nevada, she still helps out, part-time, with kids on the local school bus.

Staying active is a part of Elizabeth's life: "I'm a walker, and I walk all three hills in town," she says. Now 76, Elizabeth credits Jesus with healing a painful knee condition, allowing her to remain busy.

But she's also known trials during her lifetime. Elizabeth's second husband left her for another woman, an immigrant from Vietnam. That caused Elizabeth to have bitter feelings about the Vietnamese people, and she prayed asking God to help her overcome those attitudes. Today, she's free of bitterness and has sponsored relief projects in southeast Asia.

Her giving didn't stop there. Moving from Oregon to Idaho, Elizabeth applied for mortgages at two different rates; one was six-tenths of a percentage point lower than the other. Again, prayer made a difference: She asked God for the lower rate loan, promising to give the difference to a Christian radio ministry that used shortwave broadcasting to reach remote areas. The lower rate was approved, and Elizabeth made good on her promise.

Now, Elizabeth has made one more giving promise: When she no longer needs her house, which she says is "all paid for," it will go to Amazing Facts International. The proceeds from the sale will fund the ministry's outreach in the United States and around the world.

"I just love Pastor Doug and his story," Elizabeth says. "When I hear some people who've grown up in the church, they're worldly. But Pastor Doug doesn't want the world," she shares.

Elizabeth also credits the friendly estate and planned giving team at Amazing Facts with helping set up her bequest. Her representative has "become a friend" in the process, she says. The representative "was patient with me in setting up my will. I called him many times, and I know he is a busy man, but he always was willing to listen."

Like Elizabeth, you can learn how a gift through your will, trust, or retirement account can benefit you and your family today through tax advantages-while ensuring that God's truth will be broadcast around the world through Amazing Facts for years and years to come.

It is easy and convenient to leave a gift to Amazing Facts through your will or trust. Request our Free Estate Planning Guide or call the Amazing Facts Estate and Gift Planning team at 800-436-2695.

"God's been awfully good to me," Elizabeth says, and she wants to continue the blessing by helping the ministry reach others. "I chose Amazing Facts" for this gift, she says. "And I'm glad I did!"

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